Greater Oregon from Albany, Oregon (2024)

of of Greater Oregon, Albanv. Oregon." Fridav. September 30. 1932 Page Five CAR AND CASE BEER BADLY DAMAGED vnsreek was the inie ved own seo, ove in and rith eral EN of usIN- ack ler. of and eXvas che ner he ool d- of ns.

n- he led aty ed Halsey, Sept. 30. Saturday evening a car traveling at high speed turned over near the E. B. Penland home.

The 4 car was damaged as was a case of beer. The driver's wife and children were cut by glass. The party continued to its destination, Eugene, by stage. Officers are investigating the liquid cargo. While returning from Corvallis with a load of furniture on Sunday afternoon, the Ford truck of the O.

W. Frum warehouses driven by Mr. Dixon was struck by a car. The accident occurred near Shedd. The truck was badly damaged and the trailer demolished.

Miss Ina Stev-; enson, who was accompanying Mr. and Mrs. Dixon and baby to their home on the O. W. Frum ranch, was cut about the face.

Seventeen stitches were required to heal the wounds. A car belonging to Henry Brothers Show overturned near the Estes Bass residence on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wright of Portland and Miles Alice vant, who is attending the Capital Business college in Salem were Halsay visitors Sunday.

Miss Roberta Vannice, who teaches in the Girls' Industrial school in Salem and Miss Edna Vannice, who is staying at the Mitzner home in Portland, spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vannice. Edna pianned to enter courses offered by the extension course at the U. of Monday.

Funeral services for Mrs. C. C. Jackson, who passed away on Friday evening, were held Sunday afternoon at the M. E.

church with Rev. Omer Idso officiating. Mrs. Jackson was Miss Bilyen before her marriage. She is survived by her widower, C.

C. Jackson, and her children Elisha Jackson of Harrisburg and Thomas Jackson and Mrs. Martha Hockensmith of Halsey, one sister, Mrs. Nemschick of Harrisburg and a brother Robert Bilyeu of Halsey, and several grandchildren. Interment was made at Grove cemetery.

The Women's Foreign Missionary society of the M. E. church will meet in the church on Friday. On Sunday morning, the Sunday school of the Methodist church will put on its annual Polly day program during the Sunday school hour. The birthday of Miss Ruth Snyder who makes her home with her sister, Mrs.

M. L. Vannice, was quite properly celebrated this year. To serve her birthday, which pecurred on Monday, Miss Snyder entertained at Sunday dinner Misses Alta Hedlund, Anna Moses, Alice ing and Edna, Luella and Ardella Falk. On Monday evening a group of young people of the community surprised Miss Snyder at the Vannice home, RELIEF SUPPLY DEPOT OPENS SATURDAY Mayor V.

L. Calavan, chairman of the city relief committee announces that the local relief supply depot will be opened in the Burggraf building. 119 East Second street on October 1, with competent help in charge, An effective plan for the distribution of food supplies and cloththe needy of the city has been worked out and it will be the purpose of the committee to work in co-operation with the Red Cross and Salvation Army that there may be no duplication of effort. The committee. has urged that every citizen assume a responsibility in contributing clothing supplies at this time.

Especially will there be an immediate need for children's, clothing and shoes. If not convenient to deliver these supplies direct to the depot, donors will phone 74-Y and the materials will be picked up at the home, Surplus supplies of fruits and vegetables can be used to advantage and arrangements' will be made to gather and deliver them. FAYBELL Faybell, Sept. 29-Miss Geraldine Hamilton returned from Portland last week. She was accompanied home by Mrs.

Rief and daughter and Mrs. Gardner, all of Portland. They' all attended church services at the United Presbyterian church in Shedd Sunday. Mrs. Rief and daughter sang a duet, Misses Eleanor and Margaret Dunlap of Brownsville, were Faybel! callers Monday evening.

The Women's Missionary society met at the cottage Friday afternoon for the monthly meeting. Mrs. Mary M. Brown leader, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs.

Bess Duncan and Mrs. Vera I Duncan were hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. H.

F. Couey and daughters Veva and Elinor and sons Melvin, Merlyn and Glenn Lee of Suver, spent the day at the home of their parents and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.

Couey Saturday. They also called on Mr. Couey's I sister, Mrs. R. H.

Duncan and ily. 4A Mrs. Rose Purkerson of Junction City and Frances Nitzel spent the week end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nitzel, Mrs.

Purkerson began her duties as teacher in the Fleener district Monday and Miss Frances returned to her school work in Eugene Sunday. The Greenback school commenced a week ago Monday with Mrs. Smith of Albany as teacher. Mrs. Emma Coon is visiting her niece, Mrs.

Myrtle Maxwell and family for a few days. Miss Hazel Farwell, teacher in the Shedd school, spent the week end with her sister Mrs. Lewis Abraham while Mr. Abraham went on a deer hunt. Mrs.

Geisjbeck came Sunday to visit her son Edward, who is attending Shedd high school and making his home with Mrs. Dawson. Mr. and Mrs. T.

C. Wheeler and son Rex and daughter June of Cottage Grove were recent visitors here. Mr. Wheeler formerly lived in Shedd, his home was where the J. B.

Connet family now lives. ASH SWALE Ash Swale, Sept. 29-School opened Monday, September 19 in the Ash Swale school district. Mrs. Lora B.

Moore is again the teacher with 20 pupils enrolled. The new pupils enrolled are Dorothy Sylvester from the Marshfield schools and Ethel and Seymour Allen, who attended Crowfoot school last year. Mrs. J. C.

Harrison took. her Sew- ing club to the 4-H club fair at Albany Thursday, Norma and Joan Harrison formed the demonstration team. Since the sewing club included almost every pupil in the school, school was dismissed and Mrs. Moore helped provide means of transportation for the club members. The Ash Swale Sewing club accompanied by its leader, Mrs.

J. C. Harrison and some of the parents, enjoyed a picnic dinner 1 in Bryant park Thursday. The ladies of the auxiliary recently bought a piano. It will be kept in the school room, but be moved to the club room for community programs.

The ladles made $53 by serving dinner at' the BatemanShearer sale, This will go towards the new piano. Mr. and Mrs. Reese Mallow of Albany, also Mrs. Minnie Bevens of Halsey were accompanied by Mrs.

P. I. Troutman, at their lunch at Sodaville Sunday, while on their way to call on Mrs. Freeman Morton of Lebanon, who is very ill. R.

F. Allen and family recently moved into the Jess Bowers place in Ash Swale district. Mr. Allen is employed at Thompson's flouring mills. Mr.

Hutchins and Mr. Dawson were business callers in Albany urday afternoon, The D. K. Jackson family shopped in Brownsville Saturday. W.

Y. Shearer and W. Watson made a trip last week to the Warthens who live above Eugene. They lived for the past year on the Jess Bower place. The Linn county construction crew is building a bridge just north of the Ash Swale airport.

The tile was taken' out and placed between the Hugh Mallow and Barnes place. HOLLEY Holley, Sept. 30-The Crescent Hill school district has completed its new schoolhouse. The current term of school was started Monday with Sam Carens in charge, Mrs. Ralph Robinett had the mis.

fortune to break her arm while starting a car one day last week. She is reported to be getting along as well as could be expected, Rev. and Mrs. Harry Benton of Eugene were Sunday dinner of Mr. and Mrs.

R. O. Robinson. Mrs. Ethel Henning and small daughter Joyce spent the week end at their home in Monmouth.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lund and children visited over the week end at the Bruce home in Junction City. Mrs. E.

R. Groshong, Mrs. Fred Malone and sons Walter and Royal, visited at the home of Mrs. Groshong's daughter, Mrs. Lester Northern and family near Harrisburg Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Murphy and Adeline visited relatives in Eugene Saturday. Mr.

and Mrs. R. Groshong and sons visited at the home of his sister Mrs. C. C.

Long and family in Lebanon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter James and son of Sweet Home, Mrs. Peter Rapp, Mr.

and Mrs. Loren Rice and family and Rev. and Mrs. Harry Benton of Eugene were Sunday cal- lers at the Ralph Robinett home. Mr.

and Mrs. Roy Thompson are the proud parents of a baby girl, which arrived Sunday morning. THRIFT SERVICE A HELP TO HOMES WHERE EVERY PENNY COUNTS. It doesn't pay to wash at home! No matter how you figure it, home washing is expensive. It's an ugly task, too.

Our THRIFTY SERVICE returns your washing to you fresh, sweet and clean. All wearing apparel is just damp enough for ironing. Flat work-sheets, pillow cases, table cloths, napkins, towels, and the like- all ironed ready for use. Here's a Sure Way to Save MoneyMinimum Bundle, 70 cents Shirts finished in this service on request at only 10c each Albany Magnolia Laundry TELEPHONE 50 Call us and we'll do the rest! and her husband resided on a homestead. After seven years there they returned to Waterloo and then came west, SERVICES HELD FOR MRS.

CLAUD DAVIS Funeral services for Mrs. Zelma Davis, wife of E. Davis, of Albany, were held Monday afternoon from the Baptist church at 2 o'clock. The services were conducted by Rev. J.

R. Turnbull, pastor of the Baptist church. Interment was made in the Riverside cemetery. Mrs. Davis was born at Halsey, Dec, 29, 1886, and was the daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. James Bond, prominent pioneer residents of this county. Miss Bond grew to womanhood in Halsey and was there united in marriage with Claude E. Davis February 20, 1910. Soon after their marriage they located in Albany where they have since made their home.

Mrs. Davis died at the Albany General hospital Saturday afternoon, September 24, following a brief illness. Mrs. Davis was an active member of the Baptist church and Sunday school, and leaves a wide circle of friends to mourn her. untimely departure, Surviving are her husband and three sons, Clifford, James, and Bruce, all of whom are living in the family home in Albany.

She is also survived by her aged parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Bond of Albany and a sister Mrs. Jay Moore of Harrisburg. Her only brother, Ruel Bond, was killed in the battle of Chateau Thierry, France, July 18, 1918.

The pallbearers were Robert Burkhart, Raymond Tomlinson, Joe Stuart, Clyde Williamson, R. E. Rierman and William Hobbs. Honorary pallbearers were J. Fred Braly, C.

Spence, Glenn Junkin, J. Deo McClain, C. E. McClain and Lloyd Templeton, The body was in charge of the -Braden funeral directors. A ADS DRESSMAKING and remodeling.

Prices reasonable: Mrs. Hollingsworth, 705 E. 3rd. Phone 295-J. s30-3t $100.00 CREDIT ON new Ford for sale for $80.

Write No. 787, care Greater Oregon, -used electric washing machine. Have furniture to exchange for wood. Call at 1421 Santiam road, CONCORD GRAPES, -5 varieties, 50c bu. Juice for a short time, Walnuts and filberts.

acre fruit place for rent, close in. E. G. Goff fruit stand, AlbanyCorvallis, highway. s30 FARMERS' AUCTION An Auction Sale will be held 6.

miles southeast of Albany, mile south of Fry Station, Tuesday, October 4, at 11 a. the following: 30 head cattle, T. B. and abortion tested-10 cows, fresh, springers, middle milkers; 5 three-year old heifers. springers; 12 6-months to year heifers, 1 Jersey bull, 5 Holstein steers, calves.

Horses, 2 sows to farrow by sale date, pigs, shoats, 1 Hampshire Boar, sheep, buck and lambs, sacks wheat, oats, and vetch. 1 7-ft. single vane brunt disk drill, 1 disc plow, 20 gal, iron kettle. geese, chickens, furniture, goose feathers, and numerous articles not mentioned. Lunch served.

Terms, cash. John Bryant, clerk. Ben Roth, sales manager, Dan B. Roth, auctioneer. POULTRYMEN LET US MIX your egg mash using your own formula and your own grain.

We will supply what you do not have. It will save you money. Murphy's Seed Store. s30 WANT HOUSE 50 ACRES near Salem. all in cultivation and in crop this year, located on good road.

To exchange for house in Albany. Might assume small amount, 10 ACRES near Albany; has good 6-room house, barn and lots of fruit: excellent place to reduce the cost of living. Owner will take clear house in Albany carrv back $1000 and give easy terms. These are both good onportunities that don't come every dav. Better hurrv.

TRIPP MURPHY, Realtors AUCTION SALE The undersigned will sell at auction on the farm 10 miles south of Albany and mile south of Oakville. on Oct, 1, at 10 o'clock the following: Grav team. weight. 1500 Ibs. 14 Cattle-2 cows just fresh, purebred: 2 heifers just fresh, purebred: 4 purebred Jersey bulls, coming 2 year old; 2 bull calves.

These bulls are in good breeding order. 2 grade Jersey cows to freshen in November. 1 good Jersey heifer just fresh: 1 good yearling heifer; 13 head of registered Shrop ewes: 50 head of grade ewes, 30 head goats, part nannies; 1 reg. Shrop buck, 2 grade Shrop buck lambs, 25 head wether lambs, 2 full blooded Guernsey, cows, coming fresh: 13 head of shoats weight up about 40 chickens, about 60 sacks of seed grain, wheat, brown oats, cheat, vetch and barley. Wagon and bundle rack.

McCormick-Deering tractor disc, new: Oliver chill plow No. 40: 2 section spring tooth harrow, 2 section steel lever harrow, set of harness, some collars and other lots not. listed, Lunch served by the ladies of the Oakville Missionary society. Bring cups. Coffee free.

Usual Sale Terms. W. F. Crawford Son, owners. Bank of Shedd, clerk.

Ben T. Sudtell, auctioneer. $30 PUBLIC AUCTION As I am leaving the state, I will sell a at public auction on the farm 6 miles east of Albany, 1 mile east of Price schoolhouse on Monday, Oct. 3, at 10:30, the following: 3 horses. 1 well mated bay team of geldings; 9 and 10-year old, wt, 1700 lbs.

each. 1 black gelding, 9-yr. old, wt, 1600 lbs. 17 head of cattle. 1 3-yr.

old just fresh. 3 cows, 5-yr. old to freshen by Nov. 15. 1 heifer, 2-yr.

to freshen Oct. 15. 1 cow 7-yr. old to freshen in Oct. 1 cow 5-yr, old milking now, to freshen in January.

6 coming 2-yr. old heifers, open. 4- yearling heifers, T. B. and abortion tested.

28 head of hogs. 2 Duroc Jersey sows to farrow by date, 4 white sows with pigs by side. 1 sow to farrow soon, pigs, 5 dry sowS, 1 8- month old boar, Chester White. Machinery. 1 new 2-section lever harrow.

2 good 14-in, walking plows. 1 cultivator. 1 wagon and rack. Harnesses, 2 extra good heavy sets of breeching harness: 2 good barn harness collars, halters, 1 Delaval cream separator, 17 tons of loose oats and vetch hay. Chickens 100 Tancard strain White Leghorn yearling hens, 30 head of mixed hens.

Furniture, 1 extension table and 6 chairs, 1 side board and small table, 1 bedstead and spring. 6-gal, crock. Chains, forks, trough and other articles too numerous to mention, Lunch will be served on grounds, Terms of sale will be cash. Those. desiring credit should make proper arrangements previous to sale.

Vallie Gerber, owner, John Bryant, clerk. Dan B. Roth of Albany $30 WANT RANCH that is equipped, will work for wages or will run it on a 50-50 basis. Have had lots of experience. See or write W.

Huntley, 1104 E. 7th Albany. PIANO FOR BEGINNERS, intermediate and advanced students. Do not allow the financial depression to mar your child's future. Prices reasonable instruction thorough and modern.

Prof. Justin A. Miller, 317 W. Fourth St. Phone 311-J.

s30 BIG AUCTION, OCT. 1- Truck load of furniture, hogs, calves, poultry, grain, vegetables, fruit, guns, phonographs, fencing, notions, tools, Bring what you have, Sales every Saturday. Closing out at cost--guns, typewriters. radios, phonographs, kodaks. Manela's Albany Auction House, Dan B.

Roth, auctioneer. s30 STEAM BOILER for sale, suitable for heating plant. D. C. Walton, Phone 17-F-2.

FOR SALE-30 head of good ewes. Phone 13-F-4, Albany, Ore. E. O. Truax.

FOR SALE- Standard make of piano near Albany. Will sacrifice for unpaid balance. A snap. Easy terms. Write Tallman Piano store, Salem, Ore, $16-3t EXCHANGE your wheat for flour at Thompson's Flouring Mills, near Shedd, s2-4t PARMERS! Put in a little late garden-turnips, winter radishes, carrots and lettuce.

Murphy's Seed Store. s2-tf. SHINGLES -Best quality cedar shingles from live logs, $2.25 per square. No, 1 cedar posts, 10 cents each, ALBANY BARGAIN HOUSE SPOON RIVER Spoon River, Sept, 29 -A birthday dinner was given Sunday at the M. L.

Vannice home honoring Miss Ruth Snyder. Those helping her celebrate were Alta Hedlund of Brownsville, Edna, Ardella and Luella Falk, Alice Harding, Anna Moses, Mr. and Mrs. M. L.

nice and family and the honored guest, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Pierson spent Sunday afternoon visiting at the Will Kirk home, Quite a few from this community attended the funeral of Mrs. C. Jackson of Halsey.

She was an aunt of both Mrs. Eola Falk and Mrs. Esther Falk. Donald Bramwell spent Sunday at the Nicewonger home. The cottage of Mr.

and Mrs. Willie Falk is progressing very rapidly and they expect to have it ready for occupancy in the near future, Mrs. C. Nicewonger accompanied Mr. and Mrs.

Elzo Vincent to Albany Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Shrunk of Brownsville, Henry Kirk and Charlie Bierly were all visitors at the L. R.

Falk home Sunday. W. G. Carter of Goshen was a business caller at the W. R.

Kirk nome Monday morning. Elwood Nicewonger and Leslie and Omar Falk went to the Albany fair and judged. They won second, which gave them a trip to the state fair at Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Vannice and Miss Ruth Snyder were Corvallis visitors Wednesday.

SERVICES HELD FOR" MRS. ALMA PONSFORD Orleans-Mrs. Alma Melinda Ponsford, 85, died at her home in this community Thursday night, September 22 at 6:30 o'clock after a lingering illness. Mrs. Ponsford was born in Cass county, April 1, 1847.

She was married to Walter I. Ponsford February 13, 1873. He died in 1917. Surviving are four sons and a foster daughter. The sons are Charles A.

and G. F. Ponsford, McMinnville and W. E. Ponsford, LaPorte City, Iowa.

Mrs. Fred Frady of Peoria is the foster daughter, A sister, Mrs. D. H. Keene lives at Glenwood, Ia, Mrs.

Ponsford had been a member of the Baptist church since she was 16 years old and united with the Corvallis church soon after her arrival in Linn county in 1913. Prior to coming to Oregon she lived near Waterloo, Iowa, following her marriage and then, ten years later moved to Kimball, S. where she The funeral was held Monday at 2:30 o'clock in the Keeney funeral home at Corvallis, Rev. H. Fisher of Philomath conducted the 'services.

Interment was in the Orleans cemetery. BUILDING MATERIAL, A Everything in the line of building material is procurable at Copelands all times, and always at the lowest prices commensurate with high quality. Here you will find your exact requirements whether they new home or for repairs. Phone 275. J.

W. Copeland Yards End of West Second St. Unheard of Low Prices in Quality Furniture We have Not Raised Prices Making it still Possible to Buy Quality Furniture at Lowest Prices See These Values! Visit Our Store for Bargains! 4-Piece Walnut or Green Decorated Bedroom Suite Genuine 'Nat-Mar' Spring Filled Mattress, reg. $19.50 $10.95 40 lb. Cotton Felted Mattress, Spec.

$3.95 Reg. $7.95 Simmons' Single Deck Coil Springs Reg. $9.95 Simmons' Double Deck Coil Springs 8-Piece Walnut Dining Suite Blue Special Rose Offer for Velour a Few Days Only 39. 95 or Davenport and Chair High grade, full webb, 8-way tie construction, hardwood frame, Marvelous Bargains in Circulators We show teh finest selections of circulators 9 years of satisfactory service in this comin Albany Their worth is proven by over $1750 munity, Priced A large assortment of Good USED HEATERS, priced Floor Coverings- -Gold Seal Congoleum and Inlaid -Now Selling at Lowest Prices Ever Quoted. Albany Bargain House Corner Second and Baker Albany, Oregon.

Greater Oregon from Albany, Oregon (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.