The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post, Western Countries and South Wales Advertiser from Bristol, Bristol, England (2024)


BARTON-HOUSE, 5, RTON jjust wxefM. -W Large: atti- Elegant Assortment of Silk and Stin CAPITAL RESIDENCE, FOR A. JC A I AT MY OFFICES, IN SMALL-STREET, On THURSDAY, February 23, 1843, at One o'clock precisely, and not on Wednesday, the 22rf, i previously advertised, ABOUT HOSIERY AND GLOVE: WAifEHOXTSEtK UNION-STREET, BRISTOL. An APPRENTICE wantea Premium- required. GBICKHAM, in returning his grateful acknowledgments to his numerous Friends and Customers for their very kind patronage, begs to inform them he intends SELLLNG-OFF his STOCK, consisting of SHA.WLS, SCARFS, CASHMERE and NORWICH HANDKERCHIEFS, CRAPE DE IiA.HA,- CHALIS, MOUSSELINE Db'lAINE, ORLEANS, MERINOES, SAXONY and PRINT PRESSES, BANDANAS and FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS, STOCKS, SHIRT-FRONTS, COLLARS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, LACE, RIBANDS, FLOWERS, BLONDS, 4-4 Plain and Fancy NETS, MUSLIN COLLARS, HAIilT-SHIRTS, CUFFS, Plain and Fancy MUSLINS, IRISH LINENS, LAWNS, DIAPERS, FRENCH CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, LONG CLOTHS, CALICOES, FLANNELS, COATINGS, The Whole of which will be offered at extremely Low Prices, in order to effect a Clearnnoe.

February 18th, 1B43. specttimy solicit an inspection. which has been got up with nvnr hflfnrcVheen able to ouote, A''' P3ST-Ia. IMPORTANT TO WHOLESALE Bristol (ot the Firm of E. Moses and Son 154, MOSES 6.

Union-Street, a marked hftv-iiioH thev will bisboseof'iiie Entire of their New" Fashioriable. MTLPTTFF. FEATHERS. BEDS, MATTRESSES. BEDSTEADS, AND BEDDI in every variety of GREAT' COATS, CHESTERFIELD WRAPPERS, Plain and Diamond Beaver TAGLTONIES, PILOTS, Superfine DRESS iind FRClGlL COATS, SAILORS' SUITS, VESTS and TROUSERS of every shade, pattern, and texture WORKING and ENGINEERS' SUITS, 'Sc.

Also, their Exteu'sive' SfOCK" of WOOLLEN-DRAPERY, consisting of the moat Splendid Choice of West of England ADVANTAGES SVPERIOR TO ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT IN THE CITY, AT WALSH'S BED AND BEDSTEAD MANUFACTORY, "WALSH, in returning thanks to the Public for their most liberal support during the last 18 a Years, bogs to call attention to, and solicit nn inspection of, his most Extensive and Unequallod STOCK OF BEDS, BEDSTEADS. MATTRESSES, PAILLASSES, BLANKETS, QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, SHEETINGS, FURNITURE CHINTZES, and DIMITIES. Having Purchased his Materials for Cask, and personally superintended their Manufacture, those who may favour him with ilieir Orders may rely upon having well-seasoned GOODS, of the best quality, at such Prices as, he feels confident, cannot be surpassed. The Public are respectfully requested to observe that J. is the Only House in Bristol that is exclusively devoted to BEDS and BEDDING.

CASSIJIERES, BUCK and DOE SKINS, TWEEDS, EiM. Son would wish to impress on' the minds of the Public that the above is not a mere tctf, as opponents would represent but they wuTfln.d,- oh inspection.Hh'a'frtfie Whole of tile Stock is now marked in Plain Figures, and will be the least reserve lit One-Half the Cost Price. isuch an opportunity to the Xrad, Private tamuies, Dicciianics, sua oauora, may never agmi occur. All Pnraons indebted to the said'Firm will oblige by paying their Accounts immediately; ami all Persons Who have any Claims will send in their that they may be discharged. OasiKTBt MUSJsS and ACV, J.

bmistol yyjpposiie me juarmij. No 'Business Transacted on Satubdavs until Evening. THE FOU LOWING MOT WH.L BE s. d. Full-size Feather Bed, Bolster, and Pillows 3 0 Very Superior ditto, from 5 0 Milpuff Beds, from 0 3 Wool Mattresses, from 0 7 Horse-hair ditto, from 0 15 Captains' Mattresses, for Ships' Berths and Cabins, from ..0 1 Straw Paillasses, from 0 12 Rood Tent Bedsteads 0 0 to 8 0 9 to 3 10 9 to 2 2 0 to 4 4 8 to 1 10 0 0 to 1 10 0 0 13 6 MILPUFF AND FEATHERS STOVED AND FOCND Count Orders Punctually attended to.

7, OASgasIBEST, BaSSTCMIi. Observe I- 65, WINE-STREET, BB.BIXiA iar NEXT TO THE CASTLE SELLING-OFR RETIRING FROM THE BUSINESS. A. HOWE returns his best thanks to his numerous Friends for their support during the time he has been in the above Business, and respectfully invites their attention to the SALE OF THE WHOLE OF HIS STOCK, which will be offered regardless of Cost Price, to effect a Speedy Clearance Commencing with 3000 Silk and Gingham Umbrellas, all of good qualities, from Is. 9d.

S00 Parasols, from Is. 450 Rosewood Work-Boxes, from 2s. 300 Ditto and Mahogany Desks, from 5s. DRESSING-CASES, KNITTING-BOXES, CARPET BAGS, ftc, AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. GINGHAMS AND UMBRELLA MATERIALS AT MW KATES.

THE LEASE AND FIXTURES TO BE DISPOSED OF, UNPARALLELED SUCCESS X.EWXS SOLOMOW, (From London,) TAILOR, DRAPER, AND OUTFITTER, 40, WINE-STREET, BRISTOL, BEGS to return his sincere thanks to the Inhabitants of Bristol, Clifton, and their "Vicinities, for 9 thn vnrv liberal suDoort thev have afforded him since his commencement as above, and in return, begs to assure them every effort he is capable of shall be exerted to merit a continuance of ne nas auoijtuu wug v.o, tured judgment of the age, not holding out the delusion of Immensity of Stock, bought at less than nothing, and under circ*mstances which never existed, with all the attendant parade of ruffing, still continues to make only professi.ns of whatoan be done bv a perfect knowledge of his business, and an acquaintance with all the best markets for every description of Goods offered by him, and which is a guarantee to his friends that they may hare the most Elegant Style and Best Material at the Lowest pos-iible Cost. To those -who have not yet made trial of his Establishment, he would say, that by-'calling and making any purchase, no Wv amnll tim amount, thev will be ouite aware of the advantages he is enabled to offer them, either in READY-MADE RMENTS or those made to order. The former being so varied, witli any description of Garment and to those preferring anything made to order, the same facilities are also open, with the certainty of having the Greatest Elegance combined with the Strictest Eoonomy. Observe I -SO, WIWE-STESBT, Two Doors from olpihin-Stereet. NO CONNEXION WITH ANY OTHER HOUSE.

LOOKING-GLASSES, Pl(mmM GJU "WEWBO'W C03SJSCKS iU3B EOOIS SBC0 WEATHER ALSO, EASY CH Alias 1 iv A j. ajv a a va.mijsj.-x, Twenty tehCest. Cheapeii than at ask oriiEn House in the West of England. THE Public are most respectfully invited to inspect the most Brilliant and Chaste Stock of all kinds of Larc PIER and CHIMNEY GLASSES; CHEVAL, BOX and TRAY TOILET GLASSES; GILT and FA. NTT WOOD PICTURE-FRAMES, EASY CHAIRS, S.C., AT MAYER'S LONDON LOOKING-GLASS WAREHOUSE, 18, CLARE-STBEET, The Second Door from the Drawbridge, Bristol I assures the Pablie that all Goods at his Establishment arc of the very best make, and the Glass as good as any to be had and that such an Extensive and Chaste Assortment of the above-named Goods was never before kept by any Person in the city The following are a few of the Prices quoted, to which he claims an inspection d.

Best Plate Chimney-Glasses, in four various pattern frames, from 2 0 0 each. Ditto Ditto Dressing-Glasses, Ditto, 0 5 Burnished Gilt Window Cornices, at 0 4 6 per toot 30-25 or 5-Inch Sweep and Crooked Best Oil-Gilt Frames, at Ill Beach. All kinds Re-Gilding, Old Glasses Polished and lie-Silvered, Prints Framed and Glazed, Paintings Cleaned and Varnished, in the best style. The Trade supplied witli GOLD and SILVER LEAF, and GILT MOULDINGS, at very Reduced Prices. A very Spacious and Beautifully-situated DWELLING-HOUSE, 22, St.

James's Barton, Corner of Barrs-street, TO BE In the most desircMpart of PARK-STREET, Bristol; t. ITS SON Have the.hofio,UEt6.''announce instruoted to. SUB3SIT fp COMtPETITXON, At the in Bristol, on MONDAYi iSgsnh of February instant, at One o'clock -T'SJ 1 tttasEeellent, substantial and-triuy desirablefB8SUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE' and ftemisea, No. 38, in the upper part of Pakk- STKttET, tne1 j'ariBniot St. Augustine, in the City of Bristol with and capital three-slall Stable behind, with back entrance therefrom the whole.latelyfMSjforiiear years.

the Residence of the late I V.iWmmjl-J' an excellent China and', Butler's tmi tr'rt'iMjinif Kitchens, fitted up Hot Dressers, every: other. i.mjJiapEy oi oi. ijprce.ji'umjj, iSc. iAbbyeyS'CTrent bnd'bi three best inany other conrehiciioes. Kitchehs; aiid eoranbatiiig the House, iire.ah excellent Laundry, "StqrSrjpiSlfe arid' Clbsets, but wnicli have beeu, hitherto nsad as under the' House, itted'np with brick bins, Thto' tr.tjlji'MU.ibe ordinary Urge and respectable Family, and certainly to any persons, particularly nlienen(tbpkt 'ind-iSurnd-Frofessloiu, who may Imijiediate may be had on completing the.

PurehaBe, For Tiokets'tbfvlowi and any further Particulars, applleatu5n: may be SMITH, Sniall-; street or ARGUS and SON, Auctioiieqrs, BristgStf-. 2 BEiVSiOZ. By FARGUS SON, At the COMMEEOIAL ROOMS, Bristol, on THURSDAY, the 16th next, at One o'olock in the Afternoon, Lot 1. A LLthose extensive WAREHOUSES, jLS- attached, and Bnacious' Cellar underhbatiiwuatc'. at the Countebsmp, in the parish of Temple, in of some time since occupied by Messrs.

jpivoi, iioiesiue uut iiuw wiu. These Wa'reUo'SSjpWfc calculated for carrying on-i very ex tensive Busineasi'gaare well-adapted" for a Brewery, Malt- or requiring there being never-failing 3iippJif ivn'ter xuu i rei.uce.iieiu uuuei we jp uouew oi me piumu iiauua of the parisK'oiTenipic, for the remainder of 'a terni of 93 years, the 1 2th July, 1819, and determinable with theliyesJiAnthony Collings aged 37 years, or tliereatif(5h'omtt3 Stanton, aged or thereabouts, ari'ff iffirS'tlerick William Stanton, aged1 30 years, or thereaboutt.jMrJtho yearly, rent of 1 Lot 2. All thatREHOUSE, COUNTING-HOUSE, and WHARF, sltit*tid; boing on in the said parish of TemjSel'fdjrectly opposite the-last: Premises, having a frontage of mdrcSjaiah to tlie.river, -and forming one of rue most wuveweuiji niiaris on iuat siue oi jjioauiig-Harbour. These 'eMises are now in the occupation of Messrs. Hiskins and 'SortgJWflHirfingers and Carriers.

One-half of freehold, ami the remainder is held for the residue of 1000 years, created in 1739, and is, to freettbld. The attention- ofkjCapitalists is particularly directed to the present opppi-ttmltyjfqr investment. For further JarticiilarJ-, and to view the Premises, apply to Mr. ROBERtetjpteHER, Exohango-buildings Mr. EDWARD Messrs.

BEVAN, Sblicitprs, Bristol. Bristol, 1 8 th' February, 18-13. TO IMS AUCTION, oa Tirg rUSKjUt By Messrs. Aer anions, Morgan and vnm the privity oj tne uyiciai Assignee, At One for Two o'clock in the Afternoon, LL thaV POLICY OF INSURANCE, effected on the Life of Mr. J.

N. FRANKLYN, in the PELICAN LIFE AND FIRE OFFICE, dated the 20th day of 1823, and numbered 17,109, for securing the Sum ot 999, to be' paid to the Exeoutora, Administrators, or Assigns, of the said Mr. Franklyn, within three months after the demise of the said Assured should have been certified to the Trustees of the said Company, and subject to the yearly payment of the Prcnuum of 33 19s. payable on the 9th day of March annually. For further Particulars and Conditions of Sale, apply to JOHN ICE RLE HABERFIELD, Solicitor, Bristol.

BELL INN, ST. GEORGE'S, BE X. r.TrTT? A I ON, By Mr. JOHN HAWKINS, On the PREMISES, on TUESDAY, the 21st 1843, LL THE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, BREWING UTENSILS, and other Effects of Mrs. Elizabeth Coggins, removing.

Sale to commence at 12 eioeic. KEYNSHAM, SOMERSET. TO BE SOID BY AUG I Ny By Mr. J. HAWKINS, On the PREMISES, on MONDAY, the 27th February, 1843, On HE FARMING STOCK, CIDER, CASKS, PLOUGH, HARNESS, and other Effects of Mr.

Samuel Skuse, deceased. Side to commence at Twelve o'clock. TOEEHOLD RLOUOESTEESHIRE. TO BE 80X.B BY A I By Mr. JOHN HAWKINS, At the BLACK HORSE INN, Kinoswood Hill, Gloucester shire, on March Dtn, 1843, at Six o'clock in the evening (unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due notice will be given), ALL that commocliousDWELLING-HOUSE, with Stable and other Conveniences, with the Pleasure- Ground, Kitchen Garden, young thriving Orchard, and TWO PIECES of PASTURE LAND, and a Cow-House erected thereon, containing in the whole Three Acres and Five Perches (more or less).

And also that newly-erected and convenient COTTAGE, or Dwelliug-Housc and Oflicos, adjoining tlie above, pleasantly situate on an eminence about midway between Hanhain and Kingswood school, tnree mnes irom Bristol, aim possessing extensive and delightful views of the surrounding country, and altogether forming pleasant and genteel Residences. Possession may be obtained on completion ot the purchase. The Premises are plentifully supplied witii both sorts of Water, and are free from Ground-Rent. For a view, apply to Mrs. BANKS, on the Premises and for further particulars, to the Auctionkek or to Mr.

DIX, Soli-it, Aihimi niininliers. Small-Street. Bristol. TO TALLUW UliAJNJJLJitiO, UltUUTaRO, iSC. TO BE El BY AUCTION, By Mr.

DAN ELL, On the PREMISES, No. 2, WELSH BACK, on MONDAY and TUESDAY, the 27th and 28th of February, 1843, THEwhole of the CANDLE IMPLEMENTS, comprising about 30 mould frames, in good condition 1 mould filler, an excellent cutting machine, rods, blocks, dipping moulds, roundabouts, arms, copper mid iron furnaces and fixings, a few boxes of store mould candles, the whole of tlie grocery fixtures, canisters, large and small scales and weights, mills, a large skylight, and part of the household furniture, pianoforte, the property of Mr. J. Hillier, who has no further use for them, having embarked in-another concern. The Sale will commence at 1 1 o'clock on Monday, with Implements and Fixtures mid on Tuesday, the remainder ami Household Furniture.

HOUSE REPOSITORY AND CARRIAGE MART, COLLEGE-STREET, BRISTOL, ESTABLISHED UPWARDS OF A CENTO HV. FOB SAX.E BY AUCTION, By Mr. JOHN FISHER, On THURSDAY NEXT, February 23rd, 18 13, at One o'clock, The following Lots of HO RSES, viz. BROWN GELDING, 5 years, 153, rides well on the road, goes well in harness, and promises to make 11 verv rood Hunter, ecitial to 14 iS5sra9BPStallo. A GREY GELDING, years old, 1 and to be sold without reserve.

2, steady in harness, A BAx GELDING, 6 years old, li Roadster, to be sold without reserve. A BLACK GELDING. 7 venrs old 3, a good Hunter and 15 has been hunted two Seasons wrth his Grace the Duke of Beaufort's Hounds, and equal to 13 Stone. A CHESTNUT MARE, ii years old, by the King tfDUmmis, a good Huntress and Hack. A CHESTNUT MARE, 4 years old, a good Hack.

A GREY GELDING, 5 years old, 1G hands, steady in harness, with grand action. A BLACK MARE, 7 years old, is 2, an extraordinary Hack. A BLACK PONY, 5 years old, very handsome and temperate, to carry a Lady or Children. Witli many other lots of HORSES, CARRIAGES, o. ACEAGES'OI TEA.

10 Tieroes JAMAICA COFFEE. 40 Bags JAVA COFFEE. Catalogues and Tastings to be obtained oh appliontion to. VM. AitUl', jreei.

Albion Chambers, JbeD. 9, 1843. A TO CARPENTERS, BUILDERS, OTHERS TO BE SO TUB AV I ir By Messrs. ALEXANDER SON, On TUESDAY next, February the 21st, 1843, at the late WAX WORK EXHIBITION, MILK-STREET and BARSSv LANE, THE whole of the TIMBER used iu the Erection and Fitting of the Building, consisting of several Thousand Feet of Deal Board, Deals, Quartering, be put up in suitable Lots for the convenience of Purchasers. Sale to commence at Eleven o'clock.

TO PUBLICANS, SPIRIT DEALERS, AND OTH-EES. TO JBE Z. JO TT A I If By Messrs. ALEXANDER On the PREMISES, on MONDAY, February unless disposed of in the mean time by Private Contract, of which due notice will be given, ALL theneat HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, nearly new and very cxoellent BEER and SPIRIT MACHINES, CASKS, FIXTURES, STOCK, and 'other Effects of Mr. Crisp, at the SUGAR LOAVES, Bedcliff-street, Sale to commence at Eleven o'olock.

TO BE LET, The above excellent DWELLING-HOUSE, with SPIRIT' SHOP, in which a very lucrative Business has been carried on n- many years. The Rent and Taxes are under 50 per annum, he Furniture, Enerines. Stock. Sic. mav be taken at a fair valuation.

Coming-in very moderate. XI AVON-STREET, GREAT GARDENS. BE SOX. ST A XT By Mr. WALL, At the George Ink, TEMPLE-GATE, Bristol, on WEDNESDAY, the 1st day of March next, at Six o'clock in the Afternoon, Large and convenient DWELLING-HOUSE, with a Court or Outlet behind, being No.

24, ill Avon-street, Great Gardens, in the parish of TempUv in the city of Bristol (nearly opposite Mr. Wright's Printing Office), in the occupation of Mr. Thomas John Moore, as Tenant liereot. These Premises are held for the remainder of a Term of 1000 Years, and will be sold subject to the right of a Maiden Lady, now aged about 62, to occupy one of the back Rooms therein during her life, and likewise to receive a Moity of the Rent of the Property during that period, after deducting one-half of the For a view of the Premises, apply to the Tenant, and fol further particulars, to Mr. KAN do SHORT, SoUcitoiy37, Coin-street, Bristol.

TANYARD, BRISTOL. TO BE SOLD BV PVBX.IO AUCTION, By Mr. CHARLES BROAD, At the COMMERCIAL ROOMS, CORN-STREET, Bristol, on THURSDAY, March 9, 1843, at one o'olock in the afternoon, ALL that Recently-Constructed and Desirable FREEHOLD TANYARD, situate at BAPTIST MILLS, in tile City of Bristol with Drying Lofts, Sheds, Bark House, Warehouses, Wagon-houses, and every other convenience suitable for carrying on an extensive Business. There is a detached Engine-house, aud Steam-Engine a Bark Mill, worked by steam-power, and a plentiful and never-failing stream' of water running by-the Yard. Also, all that commodious Freehold DWELLING-HOUSE, attaohedtothePrenuies, suitablejpv.

iiwsjttof rumily, offices. lie whole of the above Premises are in the most complete state of repair, and fit for immediate occupation. For turther Particulars, apply to Messrs. josemi William Hassell Baldwin-street; or to Mr. EDWd.

HARLE XJt ftnliMtnr. Sn. Bronfl -street. Bristol. 1- GLAMORGANSHIRE.

1000 Shares, of 25 Each, in the Cambrian Iron and Spelter Company, FIVE DEEDS POLE FOB .2000 IN THE SWANSEA HARBOUR TRUST, FOR SALE. R. M. WIIITTINGTON, having had the honour to receive instructions from the Directors ot the Cambrian Iron and Spelter Company, will oll'er FOB SAX.E BY AUCTION, On TUESDAY, the' 2 1st February Instant, at the Castle Inn. in the Town of Neath, at Twelve o'clock at Noon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall then be produced, ONE THOUSAND SHARES, of .25 each, in the Cambrian Iron and Spelter Company, whose Works are situated' at Mastcg, Glamorganshire, and whereon a sum of 20 9s.

lOd. per Share been paid; the RE VERSION Alt! IN BEST in in vis DEEDS POLE, of the Commissioners of the Harbour Trust of Swansea, for the sum of Two Thousand Pounds, payable at the death of a Lady now in her 70th year. The above Property will be sold in Two or more Lots, as may be determined on at the time of Sale. Further Particulars may be had on application to Messrs. TILSON una SQUANCE, Solicitors, coleman-street, ouaoij lOiidooi 22T or of the Auctioneer, Post-office, Neath sssaT sa-BS or woods at NOTICE.

Messrs. CHALONER next PERIODICAL SALE will take place on Wednesday Morning, the 22nd February instant, and two following particulars may be had immediately, and Ten days before the Sale Catalogues will be ready for distribution at the Office of the Brokers, No. 6, East Side Queen's Dock, Liverpool. DESIRABLE FREEHOLD INVESTMENT CHEW-STOKE, SOMERSET. BE SOLS BY AUG I By Mr.

S. ALLEN, At the HorE and Anchor Inn, Redoliff-Hill, Bristol, on THURSDAY, the 9th March, 1843, at Four o'clock in the Afternoon, in the following lots, or such others as may he agreed on at the time of Sale, and subject to the Conditions to bo then produced (unless in the meantime disposed of by Private Contract, of which due notice will be given), THE following Freehold Hereditaments, containing the several quantities undermentioned (more or less): A' R' P' Lot 1. A Piece ot kauk, ujumj, uiiuuu rtuy rove 1 1 20 1 26 Lot 2. Two Pieces of AliABLii canea Vnner and Lower Hook, together Lot 3. A JNewiy-orecieu rjijiiiiiu-uuua, with all necessary Outbuildings, and the Garden and Orchard adjoining, together a.

R. p. The Long Ground, Pasture The Great Mead, Pasture The Poor Ground, Pasture The Little Wood, Arabic Upper Bhckmoor, Pasture Lower Black-moor, Pasture 3 16 3 0 6 0 23 1 26 0 30 3 II 2 25 2 37 Total (iu a Ring Fence) -Lot. .1. A Capital WATER GRIST MILL 39 2 1 with the Dwell- ing-House and Gardeir adjoining, containing about Half an The whole of the Premises arc situate in the Parish of Chew-Stoke The three first lots arc iu the occupation of Mr.

John Marshall, and Lot Four of Mr. John Knapp, as tenants of Mr. Wltek Bi-njamin Webb, of Littleton, tlie Proprietor. i'o view the Premises, apply to Mr. Webb and for further particulars, or to treat by Private Contract, to him, or to Messrs.

Or.ivE and Solicitors, Frome or Mr. Ciiables Mui.lins, Solicitor, CIiew-Magna. Cliew-Magna, 16th February, 1843. TO BE SOID BY AUCTION, By Mr. K.

P. CLAHK, if rvYinuiroru at. SAT.F. ROOMS. Shall, Street, Bristol, on FRIDAY, the 3rd day of March next, at lwelve for One o'clock precisely, by order of the Executors ol tue Will of the late Mr.

William Rawlins, deceased (imfoss disposed of in the mean time by Private Contract), nPHE Briffantme WILLIAM and MARY," JL of and belonging to the Port of Bristol, whereof George TSllisin or wns lntalv Master, now lying opposite Nova-Scotia- Wliarf, Hotwells, and about 98 Tons Old, and 84 Tons New la Su. vme hnltt at this nort In 1841. stands A 1 at Lloyd's, and 117 fnn. iiroiirM ill 91 Fcfit WatCl' I She iS ot.miiir. well-built Shin and a fast sailer, has made excellent Voyages, and is well found in Sails, Cordage, general Stores.

She may be seen every any, uurmg uj ---I TlTOMAS RAWLINS, at Nova-Scotia- Wliarf; and for further particulars' and to treat for the pur chase by Private Contract, apply to Mr. WILLIAM oooii, wnr, Mnniiftuihirf-i'. Canon's Marsil or to Mr. I RAMUS SHORT, Solicitor, No. 37, Corn-Street, Bristol.

RETAIL PURCHASERS OF WORTHV OF ATTESTIOJf s. d. s. d. IS 6 2 6 0 9 1 0 Excellent Bedsteads Fourpoat ditto Good Feathers, per lb from Well-seasoned ditto Prime Goose ditto, from White Milpuff, from Coloured ditto Mattress Wool 0 2 0 0 0 to 0 2J" 0 2 0 CLEANED MATTRESSES RE-MADE 65.


having, at the same time, found the system nny person, of whatever grade in society, may suit himself GLASSES, FOR COUGHS, COS, c. CORE'S SEDATIVE LOZENGES, b. nn elegant and delicate Combination of Morphia, Ipe cacuanha, and Gl'si Arabic. The superiority of Morphia over every other sedative having led to its general employment by the profession, it is now introduced to the Public in a new and highly useful form as an agreeable Lozenge, eminently adapted to allay irritation of the Throat and Chest, whether arising from cold or other causes, and, in connexion with the valuable expectorants above named, forms a remedy at once safe and efficacious in all cases of Cough, in Asthmatic uffeetions, and Nervous irritability. They will not produce nausea in the most delicate.

One or two may be dissolved gradually in the mouth whenevcrthecough is troublesome. As a mild sedative, to promote sleep, from two to four at bedtime and they may be safely taken, for any object, to the extent of from eight to twelve in a day. Prepared only by FERRIS and SCORE, Chemists to the Queen, Nos. 4 and 5, Union Street, Bristol, without whose signature they cannot be genuine and, as a better security against imitation, each Lozenge will bear the name of Score, Bristol," stamped upon it. WALKEIl's NEEDLES (by authority the Queen's Own), with the new large eyes, are easily threaded, even by blind persons, and work with great ease, having improved points, temper, and finish.

The labels are correct likenesses of Her Majesty and his Royal Highness Prince Albert, in relief, on coloured grounds. H. Walker's improved Fish-liooks, Steel Pens, and Hooks and Eyes, are recommended. For the home trade, neat Packages of Needles or Pens, from Is. to 10s.

value, can be sent free, by post, by any respectable dealer, on receipt of 13 Fenny Stamps for every Shilling value. Every Quality, for Shipping. H. WALKER, Manufacturer to the Queen, '20, Maiden-lune, Wood-strw London. Chilblains, Rheumatisms, Palsies, CHILBLAINS are prevented from breaking, Vy and their tormenting Itching instantly removed, by WHIT-HEAD's ESSENCE OF MUSTARD, universally esteemed for its extraordinary Efficacy in Rheumatisms, Palsies, Gouty Affections, and complaints of the Stomach but where this certain remedy has been unknown, or neglected, and the Chilblains have actually broke, WHITEHEAD'S FAMILY CERATE will case the pain, and very speedily heal them.

This Cerate is equally eflicaoious for all ill-conditional Sores, Sore Legs, Scorbutic Eruptions, Blotches, Pimples, Ringworms, Shingles, Breakings-out on the Face, Nose, Ears, and Eyelids, Sore and Inflamed Eyes, Sore Heads, and other Scorbutic Humours. The ESSENCE OF MUSTARD is perhaps the most active, penetrating, and Efficacious remedy in the world, curing the severest Sprains and Bruises in less than half the time usually taken by any other Liniment or Embrocation it also heals Cuts, punctures from Sharp Instruments, Nails, Thorns, Splinters, Vc. witli incredible lacihty, without smart or pain, preventing inflammation and festering, and is equally useful in the various accidents of animals in short, it. is a domestic remedy of sueli uncommon excellence and utility, that no family sensible to its own comfort should ever bo without it. Prepared, only, and sold bv It.

Johnston, Apothecary, 15, Greek-street, Soho, London. The Essence and Pills at 2s. i)d. each the Cerate at is. ljd.

and 2s. 9d. They arc also sold by FERRIS SCORE, Union-street, Bristol and may be had of every Medicine Vendor in the United Kingdom. The Cemiine tins the mime of R. Johnston inserted on the Phillip.

SXEAJM COMSVIUWEG ATIOW BETWEEN BJISSTO- AWTT. SHIPPERS are respectfully informed thtit the Warehouse for the Denosituis of Goods and Merchandise to be forwarded by the HERCULES, lias been REMOVED from Clarc-strcct Hall, Marsh-street, to the BELL AVENUE, WELSH BACK, Bristol. The HERCULES will continue to Ply regularly between the above Ports, with Passengers, and taking Goods for Llanelly, Kidwelly, Llandilo, Llangadock, Llandovery, and Places ad jacent. nnn,!lln 101 lllues VI aus oiiuwui mm ivi mjuihwo uo toFreMits, apply to CHARLES GLASCOD1NE, Ilanellyi Mr. NATHANIEL REES, Llandilo; or to Mr.

A. STATHAM, Agent for Bristol, Bell Avenue, Welsh Back, or Ouccn's Parade, Brandon Hill. and. Superior STOCK, consisting of Jleus and-Boys' CLOTHES, MR. ALLOM's NEW AND SPLENDID WORK OF VIEWS, FROM AUTHENTIC SKETCHES.

CE1HA 1TS -RATE-', TN A SERIES OF VIEWS, displaying the JL Cities Palaces Pagodas Temples Religious Ceremonies Juiiksu-Zfriais Punishments Amusem*nts FiresideEnjoy-ments, of this Ancient. and Extraordinary People. From Drawings by Tiios, Aitosi, Esq. with Historical and Descriptive Notices'by the Rev. G.

N. Wright, M.A. In Monthly Parts, containing Four Engravings, and Eight Pages of Letterpress. Price 2s. On the Firat of.

every Month, FISHER'S COLONIAL 5t AGAZINEi 'advo'daCing Ships Colonies Comnieroe The Regeneration'-of our Domestic Trade New Markets', for our Manufactures, Should be in the hands of every one." New Work- by Mrs. Eixis, dedicated by especial permission to Heu Majesty. March 1st will be published, -price 10s. THE WIVES OF IMJGLAND, their Relative Duties, and Social Obligations. By the Autlibr af The Women of (price 9s.) and The Daughters of Eng land" (price 103.) jteBEK, and Newgate-street, London.

Just Published, by Blackie and Son, TUB BOOK OP SCOTTISH SOFG, To be completed in 14 Numbers, at fid. each, Collection of tlie best and most approved SONGS. OF SCOTLAND, ancient modern, with Critical and Historical Notices regarding them and their Authors. This Work will present to the reader (in a convenient and portable form) a larger body, of Scottish Song than has ever before been broueht toecthcr in one publication, and will enable the more folly to understand and appreciate the delightful Entertainments recently given by Mr. Wilson, in this City and elsewhere.

May be had of their Agent, C. W. Leonakd, 7S, Stoke's Croft, Bristol. ESTABLISHED 1808. MESSRS.

CHILLCOTT, Sllvarsmitlis, Jewellers, aad Watcb iaisr'si No. 9, Sr. AUGUSTINES PLACE, WHO IIAVli constantly: for salb SEVERAL Thousand Ounces of SILVER PLATE, in excellent condition, from 5s. 6d. per 6z.

An immense Stock of -New and Second-hand GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, in Patent Lever; and Vejga. Eseanonients, toJt0 h'olesyTrftlPatl tlie recent impixsvcmeiits, arid by the most eminent makers, warranted, at -Hfl mnrrt- than Any Watch, if not approved, of-within twelve months, will be exchanged for one of equal value. Gold aud Silver Plate, Watches, Diamond and Mourning Rings, made to order and repaired, by experienced Workmen. igg" Orders per post promptly attended to. Messrs.

C. lend money, to any amount (either for security or loan), on Diamonds, Plate, Watches, Jewellery, for the protection of which they have SPACIOUS FIRE-PROOF DEPOSITORIES. The strictest confidence may be relied on. PRIVATE ENTRANCE, third door in the Avenue. BSSBGE's PATEUT XKOKT BBIDG-S.

npfllS economical and powerful system of con- -L struction is founded upon the Principles of tlie Lever therefore, it is adapted for the heaviest traffic 01 Kail and other Roads, and for the largest or smallest Spans in all situations. It is not half so expensive as Timber Bridges and, faking nn average of large and small spans on tlie old principles of suspension, this system admits of the erection of ten powerful Bridges for one, there being so much less material and labour in their construction. A substantial Bnagc upon tnis nan, ai umton, eonld be erected for 10,000, which would admit of the masonry being removed, and restore to the scenery its pristine beauty. The principle was first used by the Victoria Bridge Company over tbe Avon at Bath, in 1830, in a Bridge, 150 feet long and 13 wide. Afterwards tlie Government adopted it in five Bridges in Regent's Park; and Sir James Colquhoun, used it over the Leveli iu Scotland this Bridge is 292 feet long, and 20 feet wide.

Another is erected nt Wraysbury, near mdsor, for G. S. Harcourt, and one across the river Frame, for H. Miller, Esq. The elevation, plan, sections, ana description 01 Mr.

Harcourt's Bridge, is published in the Surveyor, Engineer, aud Architect, No. 3G. It is 100 feet long and 27 broad, and its cost was less than the centring for a Stone Bridge of the same magnitude. J- Dkedge will undertake the construction of Bridges, ov.l 1, will fnt-o iilinvnc in mlv illlU glUU illlLW 11 w- Toll Biidges he may erect Bath, 10th, 1843. OUAKTO CONSTANTLY ON SALE.

APPLY to the Importers, GIBBS, BRIGHT, and 2S, Orciiaed-stkeet or at BUSH and Warehouses, Baldwin-stkeet, Bristol, where it may be seen. EMIGRATION Prom BRXSTO- to HEW -STORK. The Fine A 1 Barque, BRITISH QUEEN, 700 Tons Burthen, William Lord, Master. Has "ood accommodations for a tew caum passengers, ine between Decks, being 7 feet high, will be fitted up with every comfort for a limited number of Steerage Passengers, and afTord an excellent opportunity for Persons about to Emigrate. She is intended to leave on the THIRD OF MARCH, tlie most eligible time of the year for making a quick Passage, and the Vessel in ballast trim.

Early application should he made to secure Berths. No Charge for Passengers' Luggage. The Glasgow Traders are despatched witli their usual re- ellAiVply to MARK WI1 ITWILL, Ship Broker, Middle Avenue, Prince's street, Queen-square Bristol, January 25th, 1843. THE ONLV A 1 llRmSlt-BL'ILT SPRING SHIP OB. QUEBEC ATJD MOIITREA-, EMMANUEL, 42-t Tans Register 650 Tons Burthen, John Commander.

This Ship is intended to Sail on or before the 1st April next, and will take Goods at a Low Kate of Freight. She has superior accommodation for Cabin Passengers, and great both between Decks, which will be fitted up with every convenience For Particulars, apply to the Master on Board or to MARK WI1 ITWILL, Ship-Broker, Bristol, ir.tliFeb., 1R43. Middle Avemte, Queen-square. WEST BW-EAU MAIlb, mi-IE Roval Mail Steam-jacket Company's I LL wo lake out the Mails of the 1st JL snm uu Anv. atone.

and proceed to Falmoutn, fvv, SlJiMlS vo on the 3rd March, calling to and embark Passenger aand Madeira and Specie will be carried by this Passengers British Possessions for the following Foreign Ports Tfl nil. till. Corunim Porto liico Madeira St. Jago do Cuba St. Thomas Havana (iimdaloupe Vera Cruz La Guayra Porto Uaui Santa Mi Tamnico Chugres.

rt, riftgwl IVrcfls. 111.11 hn tnken Olllv foW Possessions. Periodical Publications, open at boflfejj Berths may be secured at tue Company Oi gate-street, London. Passengers must put their Luggage on Board Aa.r nvAvlniia In SailimT. ll( CHAppELIi a6iamp)K)iir.

LET, witli immediate possession inquire ai WTOTICE IS THEREBY GIVEN: that the JT "next, HALF-YEARLY GENERAL MEETING of the PjtOPRiEtORS of tliiB Company held, iu pursuance fiie Act of Parliament, at, the WHITE LION HOTEL, in tile of BRISTOL, on tlie 2nd of March, at. Twelve o'clock, for the'Elcctida. of four. Directors in the room of who retire by rotation, and lor other affairs. Tim Chair will lie taken at One p'obek precisely, FREDERICK RICKETTS, Chairman.

ie Retiring Directors miiy be re-elected. Shares in arrc'ar do not entitle the Holders to vote. The Transfer-Books will Oi Closed on Monday, the 20th' of and not re-opened untd alter the said General Mect- on the zna ot marcu. By Order of the Board of Direotors, J. B.

BADHAM, Secretary. Office 30 Broad-street, Bristol. 10 1843. ssto Aar3 sswsa xs.nxxwa.Ti:. CONTRACT FOR WORKS, XfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the UN Directors of this Company will receive, on FRIDAY, the 17th of March, at theirOfnce in Broad-sfrcct, Bristol, TENDERS for the execution of the following Works CONTRACT No.

3 E. The formation of the -Railway, and the Execution of all Works connected therewith, except the Laying of the PermahcritWayof that portion of the Line extending southwards fr'omthe northern boundary of Field' No. 39 in the.Parish-of CiUIompton to Chain-stake, 64 Miles 66 Chains, in the Parish; of Bradnlnoh, a distance of about 1 Mile 68 Chains: CONTRACT. No. 4 E.

1 Tne Formation of the Railway, and Execution! of-; all Works connected therewith, except the' Laying of the Ferman'emVWay of that portion of theLine extending southwards from the Chain-stake CQ Miles 39 Chains, in, the Parish of Broadclist, to the Lsouthem Boundary of Field No. 69, iu the Parish of Silverton, a distance of about 2 Miles 4 Uhauis. CONTRACT No E. The irnrmation of the JRailwav. and-the Execution of all nuuHtiruiuo v.

the-ChaiiiiSfake G9 jliles: 48 Chains, in the parish of Broadolist, to the Boundaiy-Fence between Fields Npi 19 and; 20,, iu the parish of Stoke Canon, a distance of about 1 Mile 30 Chains. Notice-posts, showing the commencement aud the termination of each Contract, are on the ground. Drawings and Specifications of the above works will be exhibited at the Engineer's Office, in Temple-meads, Bristol and printed forms of Tender may be had at the same Office, or at the Company's Office in Broad-street, after Monday the 27th of February. The Directors do not consider themselves bound to accept the lowest Tender and they expect the Parties to attend at the Office in Broad-street, Bristol, at Twelve o'clock on the 17th of March. By Order of the Directors, J.

B. BADHAM, Secretary. Office 30 Broad-street, Bristol; 17th 1843. To tbe Proprietors of tlie Bristol and Gloucester Railway. a rjP.VTT.P.MT'.-V.

I OT WITHSTANDING the original inten tions of your Directors when your subscriptions were applied for, and the resolutions of past general meetings ot tlie Proprietors in favour of the narrow gauge, there is reason to believe that attempts are being made, through your own officers, to induce the Directors to substitute the broad for the narrow gunge upon your line. Mv ohlrat in addressinef vou is to request that you will attend at the meeting that must necessarily be convened in the event of such a fatal alteration being proposed or, if not convenient to attend, that you will withhold your proxies if applied for, or intrust them to some shareholder whom you know to be adverse to any deviation from the original plan. Allow me to add, that the value of your property will depend altogether on your maintaining your professed object of a direct and continuous ruilmm communication with the. North." Good faith and your own interest forbid any other decision and, re that 11 you aciopi; me uruuu gauc iu, to be absorbed in tne ureat western uuuwuy, auu sharethe fate of your neighbour, the Cheltenham Union Company. 0IsTE 0F Y0U' Bristol, 14th 1843.

V7" ON A Z. AT 25, TRINITY-STREET, COLLEGE GREEN, BRISTOL, THE FURTHER STOCK of J. S. BEVAN, Wholesale Confectioner, Blue, Annatto, Ink, Blacking, Groats, aud Congreve Match Manufacturer, on account of Re-movhi" from St. John's Bridge Mills and Declining Business.

Stock will be sold at Prices 20 per cent, less than Wholesale Prices, consisting, in the CONFECTIONERY LINE, of best and second comfits, lozenges, Batli and other pipes, refined juice, Pontefract cakes, large stock of sugar shapes, mottoes and jokes, ornaments (fit for Middle-Lent cakes), raspberry and black currant jams, show glasses and covers, glass barley sugar, aquuntity of 7 and 4 lb. tins, and largest pipe boxes, gum, paste, and other trade moulds, four sugar-plum pans, copper and brass pans and skillet, and complete 12-fiole brass and eopper sugar refiner and bags, sugar ladles, skimmers, murble slabs, lozenge trays, drum and other sieves, cutters, scales, weights, shop counter, two sets of crown or bread baker's oven, iron work (Harford's casting), i.nn atnvo wV. irOll lllntnS. 1'illKJ. ClinlllS, Ulld lttrgC 1TO11 tlOOr UtTfor book ease, essential oi'ls of cinnamon, cassia, cloves, and lavender essence of lemon, orange nower arer, uuge bundles of gilt or Dutch metal, drop lakes, lake liquor, cochineal, Prussian and Indigo blues, vcrmillion, gum dragon, cream tartar, ground ginger, mixed spice, cassia, 84 lbs.

of cayenne, caraway and coriander seeds, turmerick, flour of sulphur, brown and other papers, labels for the different trades, 2 11-quire day books, ruled, cash and bill books, new will be Sold 20 per cent, less than cost price. BLUE and ANNATTO LINE. Thumb blues, and queen ditto, stump working benches, racking several hundred dozen rlrvincr tiniirrls. fiiur or five feet bv nine inches, three quarters i5 cmnrtH, fmin knots and verv drv blue mills, mixing trough, complete annatto mills, boards, stamp, lot of oldnnnntto. 18-fect horse wheel to work the machinery ot the blue, annatto, black lead, and anustto mills.

INK Draught, 300 gross ill bottles and jars, Id. 3d. 1T im-ren U. SOlll tit WsS iiu.ivivi.iu, than half the usual price. BLACK LEAD, four-ounce and two-ounce ditto Embden, GROATS Imperial, 111 pints aiuim-j" j)1 nC 11.1.

first mmlitv. 2000 Gross ot cUiNUtu' vt jhvij at 'is. per gross, taking 20 gross. Circular three-saw bench, sawing 0 of real Barlaml Hereford perry, at Is. per gallon.

30 Dozen of prime bottled cider, tour-year old, 8s. per dozen, bottles included. A handwiuc grey Cob HORS and Harness, and strong town-built (Fuller's) one-horse Gig. If the above is not Sold, it will be Sold by Public Auction, 28 th February next. Any person wishing to take to any of the above.

Businesses, every information will be given, and approved bills taken. Address, pre-paid, to J. S. BEVAN, 25, Trinity-street, Bristol. 42A, MILSOM-STREET, BATH.

an "Alterative, tliey should be taken before Breakfast, but for Acidity of the' Stomach, may be taken at any time. They possess all the refreshing qualities ot ftouu Water, the tlavonr is delicious, and the eiiect more, ceriam, riilrfrBii will tnlce thorn with uviditv. wheii medicine of any other kind is witli difficulty administered, For a child under ten years of age, half a powder is sufficient. They are particularly recommended for warm climates, and may be purchased, in Boxes at of Messrs. PHILP ami EVANS.

Clare-street, Bristol and FISK and SON, Castle- street, Liverpool, who are appointed Agents. BY THE QITBSKT'S SOITAXi AWTHOBIV Vic. uap. iuu. TOIIN SHELDON'S ncwly- tf invented FOUNTAIN MULTIGRA- PHIC 3IUSIC WRITER, for Composers, CVmvwtiL Srfinots.

and the Public generally, which the astonishing number of 100 Crotchet or Quaver Dots may be made in one mixute I presenting an uniformity of appearance to the Manuscript Music hitherto UNrARALLEl.EU Onlvone supply of Ink is necessary to make irom 1800 2600 Crotchet or Quaver Dots. Registered pursuant to Act of Parliament. JOHN SHELDON'S PATENT UNIQUE POCKET or WEIGHING aud WRITING APPARATUS, ic. Embodying in the form of a handsome Ever-point Pencil Case of moderate size twelve distinct and important advantages in one Case, as follow accurately-adjusted Letter Balance, for the and 4d. rates of postage An unerring Sovereign weight a crown and half-crown weight a convenient peii-hokier an improved patent cver-poiut pencil a neat and 1 useful tooth-pick, and half-sovereign gauge a plain or chequcr- cn ucsU seal reserve 01 leans at top 01 tne case, mui may uu used to measure with, being exactly four inches the numerous conveniences of which are self-evident, and render it an universally useful and compact article for the waistcoat-pocket, pocket-book, the whole constituting a complete muttum in livery genuine article is stampcu wim me mmiwi JOHN SHELDON, the sole Manufacturer.

For the convenience of his customers generally, J. S. lias made a cheaper article of the above kind, witli fluted case also a small one adapted to slide in tablets, memorandum-books, aliich, together with that described, J. S. is manufacturing Sterling Silver, and improved German Silver, all which are auranted accurate.

Cautioh, Any infringement upon cither of the above articles Hibjects the maker and vender to an action at law. Also, uniform witli the above, JOHN SHELDON'S Royal Ubekt Pocket Requisite embracing in a convenient compass, a handsome penknife (in pearl, ivory, or tortoisesliell), a Patent ever-point pencil and pen-case, and an ample reserve of ItiKls, in sterling silver and pure Nickel or improved German The knife part of the case is manufactured and war-lautcd by Rodoers and Sheffield. JOHN SHELDON'S very superior patent and other STEEL i'HNS, of every description, manufactured upon practical scientific principles to suit the various purposes of BOLD, RAPID, FREE, and exquisitely FINE WRI TING, from the Irons- and durume MAUNL'M ISVNUM, to tlic tiencaieiy ime- l'oint MAFPING PEN. As also his WARRANTED SCHOOL I'ENS, FINE, MEDIUM, and BROAD POINTS, which are Mrongly recommended. 2'en-JwMerx tti, in endless J'uriett.

JOHN SHELDON'S pure NICKEL SILVER with the DOUBLE PATENT SPIRAL and PRO-I'lLLlNCi ACTIONS, together with PEN and EVER-POINT ''KNCiL-C lSES, of an extensive variety of patterns, in which s. ha introduced a double out screw. WARRANTED MADE AS LONDON GOLD and SILVER CASES. MvhB hud of all respectable Stationers, Fancy Dealers, throughout the United Kingdom, or at tile Ivkjjtor's AHTOItV. 38.

LAiMJASt PJlt-M Klil' lulAtaMl. Orders for Home or Exportation executed with the ''( Despatch. THE NEW ISCOVRY, which the Trembling Hand may become Steady, the Weak Heart Strom and Nervous irritability Etcu the precursor of insanity) may be arrested, is offered to i Nervous vierour being the reward uie oia Pitiful Tlxr flm llCf, Of this Medicine (which does not cue particle of any opiate) refreshing sleep has been Wamtd bv those who have not enjoyed that blessing for yeni wo most obstiuate indigestion conquered. Above ju oi ua "JJ'Wyjnow use this wonderful restorative, (for the Proprietor) and sold by E. Purser, Chc-aua -street, Bluckfriars, in Boxes, at Is.

2s. to wh containing directions for its use, and an address Wi witli testimonials attached. Sold also by all the linv, and respectable Medioiue Venders. Staim, Sent Post Uie receipt of the amount in Postage 01 otherwise. Ask for Dr.

GKAKJUiJSUivn whwuj i.Sf, -Liev 21.v(, 1842. elfwl ii iT lCiulllt refuse to state that your Pill has natt an serves, almost miracidous, A'nnv nhliwed Servant, 'randisoB." W. Goit. a8nt3 for Bristol -Fbbris aud Scorjj. 3iK tb.

Ofic --ass' 3.

The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post, Western Countries and South Wales Advertiser from Bristol, Bristol, England (2024)


Is Bristol in Wales or England? ›

Bristol (/ˈbrɪstəl/) is a city, unitary authority area and ceremonial county in South West England, the most populous city in the region. Built around the River Avon, it is bordered by the ceremonial counties of Gloucestershire to the north and Somerset to the south.

What is the Bristol Mercury newspaper? ›

The Bristol Mercury was a newspaper published in the English city of Bristol between 1716 and 1909. The first edition in 1716 was published by Henry Greep.

Is Bristol closer to London or Wales? ›

Located in the south-west of the UK, Bristol sits between Gloucestershire and Somerset. Our closest neighbouring cities are Bath and Cardiff. Wales sits on the other side of the Bristol Channel. London is around 100 miles west of us, while Birmingham is 90 miles north.

Why is Bristol so famous? ›

Bristol has given rise to some fascinating things, from confectionary to scientific breakthroughs. Bristol is the originator of the drink Ribena, as well as home to Fry's Chocolate, which was the first company in the world to make chocolate bars and modern chocolate Easter eggs.

Why are some newspapers called Mercury? ›

The OED has it in use to refer to messengers as far back as 1624, but as a newspaper name from 1621. 8. Mercury enjoys a similar meaning. As Mercury, the Roman god, was a winged messenger (influenced by the Greek god Hermes), so we assume a paper like the Leicester Mercury will bring us the news quickly.

Who owns the Mercury newspaper? ›

The Mercury is a daily newspaper, published in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, by Davies Brothers Pty Ltd, a subsidiary of News Corp Australia, itself a subsidiary of News Corp.

Who runs Mercury News? ›

Since 2010, MediaNews Group has been controlled by Alden Capital. Previously known as ANG (Alameda News Group), the name changed to Bay Area News Group in 2006 after the MediaNews Group bought The Mercury News and Contra Costa Times from McClatchy Co.

What town is in both England and Wales? ›

Llanymynech is a village and former civil parish straddling the border between Montgomeryshire/Powys, Wales, and Shropshire, England, about 9 miles (14 km) north of the Welsh town of Welshpool.

Is the city of Bristol in two states? ›

If you can't afford a trip to the Four Corners area of the American Southwest where four states come together, save yourself a bundle by coming to the Cities of Bristol, in Tennessee and Virginia, two hours north of Knoxville Tennessee up Interstate-81.

How far is Bristol from Wales border? ›

How far is it from Bristol to Wales? The distance between Bristol and Wales is 38 miles. The road distance is 43.4 miles.

Is Bristol a white city? ›

Bristol has a strong White majority population, at 84%, which has declined from 94.5% in 1991. The largest ethnic group is the White British at 77.9% which have declined from 88% of the population in 2001.

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.